Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Friendly game.

Well, after about 8months break, I was really pleased today to find that Toffee had remembered everything I'd taught him about Parelli Level 1. We only did a very brief session and I realised that he wasn't as happy with the friendly game as I'd first thought. But he was excellent at the Porcupine and as he's a Left Brian Introvert (I could go into this in more detail, but only if requested) I finished the session quickly and with a food treat.

I then started the Friendly game with Merlin, who was far from impressed, especially when I flicked him a little too hard up the beehind! I soon got back into my stride and was able to wrap the Savvy string around him in a much more gentle fashion, and he at least accepted it. I called it a day and will repeat tomorrow.

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